Thursday, June 5, 2008

TDIC project

My partner and I explored about the Grand Corniche Hotel. You can view our presentation which is set in below in this post. The presentation gives and idea.

There are several reasons which make me believe that will be the most attractive project. The first reason is the location of the Hotel in Abu Dhabi Khalidiah that is about 35 km from the Abu Dhabi International Airport. This location is considered a hotspot for attracting tourists. Also, it is located close to the sea where a lot of tourism visits there for recreation and relaxation. The second reason is that the hotel contains 349 rooms and 90 suites. Finally reason is pools, spa, gymnasium, meeting and banqueting facilities the relaxation facilities in the hotel such as four restaurants, a café, two pool bars, a lobby bar and the usual swimming

On the other hand, the least interesting project was Desert Islands because Dalma and Sir Bniyas Islands are normal and the other 6 islands will be artificial islands which are going to destroy the life in that area. Another reason which I do not like is that the budget for this project will be giant which about $ 3 billon.

In conclusion, TDIC’s project reasonably will be successful, but will create some problems such as increase the traffic and pollution.

Read this doc on Scribd: Hotel

Cool city

Good adaptation:

1.) Transportation: there is transportation such as metros which will help the people of the city to all use the metro instead of them owning their own car. This idea will help to reduce greenhouse gases.

2.) Eco tower: Eco towers are big buildings which are used to provide natural light and air. This is a really fascinating way to take into consideration about keeping the city clean.

3.) Hybrid cars: A Hybrid car uses hydrogen and other forms of fuel which are more environmentally friendly, this way it will reduce CO2.

Bad adaptations:

1.) Water consuming: water is used almost everywhere in the city, this is a big problem because water is very limited.

2.) The system of Eco tower is so complex.

3.) Expensive: the city is a really good adaptation but it seems to be really expensive to construct thus makes it a very costly project.

Carbon footprint

Carbon footprint is the way of determining how people’s actions can change the environment in terms of the quantity of natural gases produced it is calculated in units of CO2. There is a survey the WWF website where you can find out your carbon footprint. My result was 4.68 which means. At this time my carbon footprint figure is very high which could create many problems for the environment. Now I will state some solutions that could decrease my carbon footprint.

There are many problems which make my carbon footprint large. First problem is that my travel score is 47% which is really awful; this is because my business requires me to travel a lot to many different destinations around the world global. Second I have an 8 cylinder car which consumes a lot of petrol and therefore increases my footprint. Finally, I am the type of person who buys a lot of electronic devices such as televisions, radios, mp3 players and computers.

There are a number of solutions which can help to decrease my carbon footprint. Second, I can drive cars which consume less petrol, and I can also use alternative forms of transportation such as public buses, last, I can spend less electronic and household appliances such as TV and MP3.

In conclusion, there are many problems related to my footprint but also many solutions. One of the solutions to help reduce the effect of global warming is to decrease our carbon footprint level so everybody should use public transportation.

An Inconvenient Truth: Evaluation

I think this documentary “An inconvenient Truth” is very interesting and valuable because global warming is affecting the whole world. Also The former Vice President of the United States Al Gore States that not only The USA can do something against this serious problem, but also we can do something about it.

Al Gore mentioned some interesting methods of problems and solutions. The problems such as flooding of cities like Manhattan, Melting of Ice like Greenland and Alaska and also will make refugees like in India. The solutions which were presented included make more vegetation and reduce the CO2 level. However, due to his sister’s death and his son’s near death experience, his view of life changed.

I think governments all over the world should move and cooperate as a united body to solve this problem; otherwise this serious issue will become disaster. An addition we should consider solving it as our first priority since it is a major problem.

In my opinion Al Gore approved that he is one of the most interesting presenters I have ever seen in this presentation.

An Inconvenient Truth Summary

An Inconvenient Truth

In the movie “An Inconvenient Truth” featuring the former vice president Al Gore. He stated the problem that the whole world will face from global warming if they do not act immediately and try to solve it. This whole issue started when his sister died and his son’s near death experience happened. The former vice president also gives some solutions to this issue.

Al Gore talks about the various tribulations that will arise, such as the flooding of various cities around the world for example Manhattan, which will also result in creating refugee camps for people. Many glaciers will melt causing the rise of sea levels affecting many continents and countries around the globe for example Greenland and Antarctica. Another problem is that as the amount at carbon dioxide (CO2) increases, the levels of pollution will also increase dramatically.

Several solutions were outlined by Al Gore such as using alternate methods of transportation. Another method is to reduce the carbon dioxide levels. Planting more vegetation which will also help decrease the carbon dioxide emissions. Persuading the government to pass laws on pollution from factories and other industries.

To conclude, there are several problems to this issue and also several solutions but we must step up and act fast. We should all come together as people living on this earth to try to save our planet. Our future will be decided if we act now, as time is not on our side.